
We can't wait to see you at SCUBA Show 2019! Here's some important information for ticket holders and anyone looking to attend this weekend. SHOW TIMES Saturday, May 4, 2019 Exhibit Hall: 10am - 6pm Seminars: On the hour beginning at 11am Saturday Night Party: 7pm - 11pm (at The Federal, 102 Pine Ave) Sunday, May...

The impact of coronavirus has created a wave of uncertainty throughout the world and in many of your lives. Our thoughts are with all those affected by these circumstances. I wanted to personally reach out to you to let you know that as things stand today, we are working to...

Dear Scuba Show Attendees, It is with heavy hearts that we announce Scuba Show 2020 is officially cancelled. The next show will take place on May 22-23, 2021. We considered moving the 2020 show to later in the year, but ultimately decided that postponing the show still held too much uncertainty. The...

For SCUBA Show 2012 diving's manufacturers and destinations worldwide provided over $20,000 in door prizes. Each door prize was valued over $500, with some as high as $1,900. Drawings were held every hour for lucky attendees. For SCUBA Show 2013 we are still accepting door prize applications from industry companies, and it appears that the value...

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